Family Law -
Cohabitants Rights
Do you require advice in relation to the
Cohabitation Rights?
Cohabitation Agreements:
If a couple are living together but have not married, depending on the length of the relationship and whether they have any children, certain legal rights and obligations may still arise. While legislation in this area was introduced in 2010, it is still an area where there is considerable uncertainty and where the said legislation is not utilised to full effect.
The legal protections that are afforded to married couples and/or civil partners are not extended to cohabitants but they do have certain rights in relation to property, children, inheritance, access and maintenance to fertility services and the expert team at Downing Courtney & Larkin Solicitors LLP would be delighted to discuss any queries you have in relation to this matter.
It is prudent for couples entering into a cohabitation arrangement to draw up a Cohabitation Agreement to protect their individual and joint interests in the event of a breakdown of their relationship. This agreement could determine your financial relationship and what was to happen to property, any children of the relationship in the event of a breakdown of same. In order for such agreements to have validity, both parties to same must have been independently legally advised or you may sign a waiver to the effect that you are happy to have joint legal advice.
Civil Partnerships:
Since the introduction of the Marriage Equality Act 2015, you can no longer register a Civil Partnership. Couples who are in a civil partnership can apply to formalise their union by applying to marry and by doing so any previous Civil Partnership will automatically be dissolved. They may also decide to stay as they are.
Please feel free to contact us now for a complimentary, no -obligation fee quotation if you have any queries in relation to Cohabitation Agreements or Civil Partnerships and we will revert to you within 24 hours in the strictest of confidence. Or you can telephone us directly on 064 6631061 and speak to a member of our team immediately.
*Please note that the information above is demonstrative only, please contact us directly so that we can discuss your individual case.