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Licensing Law

Do you require advice on a licensing matter?

Licensing laws in Ireland are multi-faceted and notoriously difficult to navigate and interpret.

In order to ensure compliance with same, a specialist and expert knowledge of the many twists and turns and nuances of the complex governing legislation is an absolutely necessity.

Downing Courtney & Larkin Solicitors LLP have been advising clients in this area for many years and have an abundance of experience in same. Our experience allows us to anticipate issues and priorities that require attention in advance of investment of any money in a particular project. This clearly benefits a business greatly when any such hidden costs can be identified at the outset.

We commonly act for clients in the following areas:

  • Obtaining Music, singing and dancing licences for bars, public houses and night clubs;
  • Monthly late night exemptions for bars and night-clubs;
  • Wine Retailers on Licence for restaurants;
  • Advising, acquiring , transfer and sale of Seven Day Ordinary On Licence for pubs;
  • Restaurant Certificates for restaurants, bars and public houses authorising the sale of food and beer;
  • Special Restaurant Certificates
  • Retailers Off Licences for wine, beer and spirits;
  • Extensions and variations of licensed areas in pubs and clubs;
  • Renewals, complaints and prosecutions;
  • Lottery Licence Applications;
  • Club Licence Applications.

The licensing court is generally held every September/October in each year.

Each application will have different “proofs” or requirements depending on the type of application it is. In relation to an application for an alcohol licence, for example, every renewing applicant requires to have as one of the documents or “proofs” for court, a valid Tax Clearance Certificate from the Irish Revenue Commissioners confirming all tax affairs are in order. Failure to operate a business without a proper attendant alcoholic licence if the business sells and serves same can result in prosecution and fines. It may also impede any future applications for a licence after such prosecution. Other applications may have specific advertising criteria before same can be dealt with appropriately in court.  At Downing Courtney & Larkin Solicitors LLP, we fully advise our clients at the outset of each application as to it’s individual requirements and attendant costs so there are no unforeseen surprises along the way.

At the outset of your business venture, consult with us to discuss your licensing requirements and we can advise you appropriately and detail an suitable strategy, timeline and general outline of costs involved. We have years of experience in dealing with a variety of licensing scenarios and you can feel fully confident of engaging our services in this area. Our efficient office systems ensure all monthly and yearly licensing obligations of our particular clients are always diarised appropriately, so that an application is never missed and that all is kept in order.

Please feel free to contact us now for a complimentary, no -obligation fee quotation and we will revert to you within 24 hours. Or you can telephone us directly on 064 6631061 and speak to a member of our team immediately.

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